February 1, 2023

Jasmine II Scores a Hat Trick of TWAC victories

For the 3rd time in 5 years, R45 Jasmine ll has won either the Men’s or Women’s Race Class of the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge.


Congratulations to Spanish team Ocean Cats on their victory in TWAC 2022, pipping This Way Up to the post and winning the overall race in 31 days, 17 hours, 9 minutes. A huge well done to Joaquim, Juan, Sergi and Marti on their achievement.

12 months ago, team Swiss Raw won the 2021 TWAC race in the same boat in 35 days, 1 hour, 7 minutes.

And 5 years ago, the Chinese team Kung Fu Cha Cha won the women’s 2017 TWAC in 34 days 13 hours and 13 minutes.

Jasmine ll is a standard GRP R45 and has now achieved 3 TWAC victories with 3 separate teams on the oars.

Jasmine II's success just goes to show that if you want to race across the ocean on a level playing field, pitting yourself against other teams, Rannoch boats are the perfect racing platforms. Jasmine ll has enjoyed international success in this incredible racing arena, with victories for Chinese, Swiss and Spanish teams. It proves that with a solid, tried and tested boat, any well prepared team can win this legendary ocean rowing race.

Charlie Pitcher

Ocean Cats - overall winners of the 2022 TWAC race
Swiss Raw - overall winners of the 2021 TWAC race
Kung Fu Cha Cha - winners of the women's 2017 TWAC race

Photo credits - Atlantic Campaigns