Charlie Pitcher

Charlie’s background lies within professional sailing having competed as a youngster in the America’s Cup and winning the Admiral’s Cup twice thereafter.

Charlie’s sea going focus has shifted towards specialising in Ocean rowing. In 2009, he singlehandedly beat all other solo and pairs boats to win the Atlantic rowing race.

This feat was surpassed in 2013 when he smashed the world record for the fastest un-assisted solo row across the Atlantic by almost 6 days. Both crossings completed in Rannoch designs.

In his spare time Charlie is an avid ultra-runner and sailing coach to his two youngest children.

Charlie built his first dinghy when he was 12 years old, became a master carpenter and joiner and has been building boats continually through out his life. Today, not only does he take on serious rowing campaigns, when on land he is hands on and involved in every single new build and refurbishment project, so when the boat hits the water, Charlie is there with the client going over all the final details.


Phil Morrison

Phil is an internationally acclaimed naval architect and with 50 years’ experience, he is regarded as one of the best in the business. His past projects cover a variety of disciplines from the America’s Cup to world class dinghy designs, and now almost all existing ocean rowing boat designs in the world today are from his drawing board. Since 2007, Phil has worked closely with Rannoch Adventure and ensured new designs will in fact float!


Mike Wood

Mike is Rannoch's Production Manager and has over seen, built, fitted out and refurbished over 40 ocean rowing boats. Prior to being involved in ocean rowing, Mike has been responsible for building and finishing off a number of medal winning boats for the Beijing, Athens, Barcelona and Atlanta Olympics, which have included Shirley Robertson and her teams Gold medal, as well as having all three podium positions at the Beijing Olympics.  

Mike the the man who ensures that our Rannoch boats are 100% safe before leaving the factory, as well as introducing new and innovative ideas to all of our boats.


Angus Collins

Angus is involved with the day to day management and undertaking of projects in hand.

Angus has now successfully gained over 7000m of ocean rowing experience. He first conquered the Indian Ocean in 2014 with the Fast Row West team, where they got the world record for the fastest four man crossing of the Indian Ocean, and the youngest team. In 2015 Angus took on the Atlantic in the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge where he beat the race record with team Ocean Reunion.

Other projects have included trekking for 6 months on the Blackcat trail in Papua New Guinea, being part of the 2011 Run to the North, a non stop 350km run through the wilderness in North Scotland, traversing India on a 30mph rickshaw, taking part in the Enduralife Ultra running Series as well as teaching sailing and windsurfing.

Roxy Blogs

Find out what being part of a Roxy Expedition is all about by reading the blogs below And if you're keen to join us on a future expedition, apply for a place now.

With thanks to Range Global Services for supporting our Atlantic Roxy Expeditions