July 9, 2024

Proud to support Alex Lewis on his P2P Challenge

Rarely has the whole Rannoch team been so moved, humbled and honoured to be involved in such an extraordinary challenge as they have been whilst supporting Alex Lewis' Pig2Pig Challenge in June 2024.

When Charlie met Alex 3 years ago, it was the start of a journey that made the impossible possible. With some sky blue thinking, clever design work, intricate boat modifications and plenty of on- and off-water testing, Rannoch provided this determined quadruple amputee with a rowing boat to enable him to row 350 miles from Falmouth to Dover over 13 days.

The Pig2Pig Challenge drew in volunteer rowers from the ocean rowing community who all gave up their time to row with Alex on different legs of his journey. It's fair to say the challenge moved everyone who has been involved and has left us all in total admiration for what Alex achieved.

"It's been such an honour to be part of this great adventure. I've learnt so much about human resilience and have every respect for Alex. He wants to now row an ocean - we'll help make that happen for him. Put your mind to something and there is no limit to what can be achieved." Charlie Pitcher

For the full story, please go to our dedicated Alex Lewis page