August 12, 2024

Gothenburg Fjords 2024

Our latest Roxy Expedition showed us what ocean/offshore rowing is all about - dynamic changes of plan!

The scheduled itinerary, rowing from Gothenburg to Copenhagen, was not achievable due to 25+ knot head winds off the west coast of Sweden, forecast for all 3 days. The Rannoch team came up with an alternative route through an inland fjord which we anticipated would offer Roxy protection from the big gusts.  

Departing from Källviken, this very strong crew, many of whom had already rowed on Roxy previously, enjoyed a solid row up towards Sundsandvik then down towards Ljungskile. During the night, however, strong headwinds in an open section of the fjord forced Roxy to take shelter in Stenungsund. Heavy rain had meant a wet night for some of the crew and by early morning, everyone was ready for a hearty breakfast and the chance to dry off.

More strong headwinds meant rowing was not possible on the second day so the crew took in a day on land, including a swim in the fjord for some.

At 6am on the third day, our Roxy crew started back on the oars, this time working with the weather. The crew had a great row under blue skies, bright sunshine (and of course accompanied by some loud Roxy tunes) up to Uddevalla, where they arrived in time to catch trains back to Gothenburg and Copenhagen.

Our Roxy skipper Ellen summed everything up:

"I find a special bond with every crew and every row and with this group it wasn’t hard to find! My regret is that I didn’t get to have you as a crew for more than 3 days…I could have easily rowed with y’all for a week, 2 or more…wanted to get to know each one of you more and I mean it when I say this was an exceptionally strong crew. Thank you again for being a great team, working together in difficult decision-making and sticking together as a team - Glyn and I were feeling awful proud of y’all watching you walk away to the train station all together…once a team always a team! All the best in wherever your roads lead, Till next time, Ellen."