August 9, 2024

Stavanger to Oslo 2024

Roxy departed Tananger Harbour near Stavanger with a new crew of rowers, and was hot out the gate for a solid 24 hour row down the Norwegian coastline. The crew adapted quickly to the new routine, and by nightfall shifts changes were smooth and everyone having a good time getting to know each other on the oars. Weather was fair, with rolling swells from the North Sea but no whitecaps. A pretty half-moon kept them company through the night shifts, and lighthouses did their duty shining the way south. By daybreak, the crew was treated by views of dramatic mountains to the east, and everyone wanted to row port side to stare at the intricate rock formations. They had fun making faces out of the mountains, and soothing background music with quiet banter made for peaceful rowing shifts.

With 25kn winds in the forecast for the next day, the decision was made to dock at Kirkehavn on the island of Hidra. Good rowing had put Roxy ahead of schedule and the diversion was welcome when the boat docked in front of a restaurant and guest house. The crew took the rest of the day off, congratulating each other on a solid 24hrs underway. The guest house became like a giant sleepover, the crew renting out the entire house and bonding further over shared experiences and the chance to relax in a quaint Norwegian town.

The Roxy crew set off again once the weather has calmed down, rounding the southernmost tip of Norway and then went northeast up to Oslo. The crew was treated to a variety of coastal rowing experiences, and rowed in both spicy, following seas as well as flat, calm water. They had North Sea swells, mountains, fjords, channels, inlets, islands, archipelagos, lighthouses - as well as local fauna in the form of curious sailboats, motor yachts, cruise and container ships, and HNoMY Norge, the Royal Yacht of the King of Norway.

The route along coastal islands with diversions into channels made the intense rowing interesting and fun, and the crew bonded as one happy team along the way. The days flew by as Roxy cast her spell, and it was touching watching this group of people go from strangers to close friends, and ultimately a great rowing team.

Roxy was welcomed at the Christiania Roklub in Oslo and arrived in the evening under beautiful conditions. A total of 270 miles in 7 days, plus sightseeing and lots of rowing equaled a happy crew arriving in Oslo! Well done team!

The stop off at Kirkehavn

The King of Norway's boat in the background in the Oslofjord
Arriving at Christiania Roklub
Happy crew in Oslo