July 9, 2024

UK to Netherlands 2024

The Dutch take to the Roxy Oars!

Eleven members of the Haarlem Rowing Club, boarded Roxy for their North Sea crossing from Harwich to Scheveningen. The conditions could not have been better for their inaugural row in our unique 12 person ocean rowing boat.

After 43 hours, 30 mins rowing, they made it back to their homeland. Well done, a fantastic achievement!

With very impressive rowing credentials, including 5 ocean crossings between them, this crew undertook the row to raise funds for sheltersuits for the homeless.

Organiser, Marcel Ates said afterwards:

"What a wonderful trip we have had and thank you Nicola and Lizzie in particular for all the work and effort you have put into it. It was challenging in some moments but spirits were good and we all enjoyed the trip, even the guys who became seasick. In general they all loved the trip and would not have missed it."
Arrival into Scheveningen on a misty Sunday morning